Monday, December 11, 2017

An admissions representative from Columbus State University will be at OCHS on January 17 during Warrior Period. Please have your student sign up in the counseling office if you are interested.

Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) is pleased to announce the 2018 Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship.  The Hester Scholarship is open to Georgia high school seniors who will be entering a Georgia college, university or technical school (two year program or more) in the fall semester of 2018. The scholarship is named after the late Jan Hester, daughter of Lalia and the late Julian Hester, long-time CEO of the CBA. Jan was a senior at the University of Georgia when she died in an auto accident on April 15, 1990. In addition to supporting community banking, this scholarship is an opportunity to pass on the positive qualities both Julian and Jan Hester exemplified to further the development of tomorrow's generations. The four scholarship recipients will be awarded $1,000 each (paid directly to the college admissions office).

 "CBA is pleased to assist deserving students in their first year of college while honoring the memory of Jan and Julian Hester," stated Rob Braswell, President & CEO of Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA). "Thanks to the generosity of our bankers and associate members, the Education Foundation is fully funded which means the Scholarship Program is completely self-sufficient, giving support to generations of Georgia's students in the future," explained Mr. Braswell.

 The goal of the Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship is to assist deserving high school seniors in their first year of college and to promote community banking. To compete, students must be sponsored by a local community bank, must complete an activity record expressing their leadership activity in school, write a short essay on community banking, provide teacher recommendations and an official high school transcript. Awards are based on academic merit and not financial need.
 Judging & Deadlines
Applications should be received by the bank no later than Friday, April 6, 2018. Banks should submit all completed applications to CBA no later than Friday, April 13, 2018. Please note, only complete applications will be eligible. A panel of independent judges will review the applications, and winners will be announced in late April. 
 For more information visit the Hester Scholarship page, on our website. Applications can be located there and can also be picked up in the counseling office. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Excellent post about maintaining persepctive during the college admissions process by Georgia Tech Admissions   Don't worry, the post has general info and is not GT specific.

UGA College of Veternarian Medicine is accepting applicants to VetCAMP 2018, which is scheduled for June 17-23, 2018. This program is offered to rising high school juniors and seniors and rising college freshmen to evaluate their skills and competitiveness as future veterinarians, provide mentorship and help them experience veterinary medicine as an exciting career path. It’s a great experience and the students have a lot of fun while also learning about the profession.

The application for VetCAMP 2018 is available on our website ( The deadline for all application materials is January 26, 2018The cost of attending the program is $900 and covers lodging, meals, instruction and social activities. Financial assistance is available to students with demonstrated need. For more information regarding scholarship opportunities, please contact once the application period has opened. 

The Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program at The University of Mississippi provides the most valuable academic scholarship ever offered in the state for future educators. A full scholarships is offered for all four years of college along with room and board. Please visit The deadline to apply is January 5