Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Camp College!

Oconee County High School PTO along with Open Road is excited to announce our first annual Camp College on July 27 from 8:00-4:30. Camp College is a day long event where parents and students will meet with various college representatives to discuss the issues facing our students as they start the college process. We will have representatives from Georgia colleges and universities and some out of state colleges and universities as well as the military to discuss military options. We have invited 20 different schools and already have commitments from UGA, North Georgia, Young Harris and Georgia Student Finance. The day will consist of breakfast and lunch provided, eight small group information sessions, as well as time to meet individually with the college representatives. Each student will leave with valuable information on how to write essays, the SAT/ACT process, financial aid, transitioning to college, the benefits of out of state colleges, how to choose the best college for you and college athletics; as well as a manual with this information and more. Stop by OCHS anytime between 7-5, Monday-Thursday to pick up an application!