Tuesday, November 29, 2011


EOCTs will be given beginning December 1st during regular class time.  The test schedule is as follows:

December 1 and 2: Math I and Math II

December 5 and 6: 9 Lit and Am Lit

December 7 and 8: Physical Science and Biology

December 9 and 12: Econ and US History

A schedule of EOCT reviews can be found at http://www.oconeeschools.org/ochs/files/filecabinet/folder4/OCHS_EOCT_Review_Sessions.pdf

It’s Secret Santa time again!  Through the generosity of our community, we are able to help provide holiday gifts for our Oconee County children who are in need.  Donations can be dropped off at the front office from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm each day.  We have a large number of young children that OCHS is serving this year.  The greatest need in this cluster is for children ages 2-5.  Requests range from clothes and PJs to books and age appropriate toys.  If you are out shopping, please take a minute and consider picking up a toddler gift.   Other welcome gifts for older children would be gently used electronics (such as Nintendo DS2, digital cameras, USB drives, etc.).  We also could always use gently used coats and other warm weather gear.  Please consider picking up a gift and making a child’s (or teen’s) Christmas a little brighter.

Walton EMC is offering scholarships in the amount of $4,000 through their "Operation Round Up." In order to apply, you must be a senior whose home is serviced by Walton EMC. Two letters of recommendation, a copy of a college acceptance letter, copy of transcript and a brief outline of answered questions (listed on the application) must be included along with the application. Applications can be picked up in the guidance office and must be submitted to Walton EMC by February 17.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The school system will be closed next Wednesday - Friday, November 23-25, in observance of the Thanksgiving holidays.   End of Course Tests and Pathway Assessments will begin on December 1st.  Seniors who have completed a Career Pathway this semester will be notified of the date and time of their test.  The EOCT schedule is as follows:

December 1 and 2: Math I and Math II

December 5 and 6: 9 Lit and Am Lit

December 7 and 8: Physical Science and Biology

December 9 and 12: Econ and US History

 If you have visited our webpage, you may have seen a link on the right hand side about “Let’s Talk About It” This is a new program that the school system is implementing.  It is an online anonymous reporting system and will be available for students in grades 4 – 12.  This website will allow students to choose whether to identify themselves or not and to initially communicate with a school counselor, school social worker, or administrator utilizing text messaging or email.   Their login will be the 6 digit PowerSchool number (lunch number) and the password will be their last name.  Once logged in they will need to update their demographics.  Here they can change their password if they wish and register a cell phone

 The reporting website, www.ancomm.com, is a resource for students to report and get help with problems ranging from social, emotional and academic issues to mental health concerns like depression.  Talk About It is meant to be an early intervention tool, which means we want to hear about problems when they are small.  Students sometimes feel like they should be able to handle small problems and do not seek help even though they are not managing the problems well.  Often this is because they do not want to feel embarrassed talking face-to-face with someone about it.  Using a less personal, but very familiar, form of communication will reduce anxiety and tension related to talking face-to-face with someone, making it easier to seek out help.  The school personnel being contacted will be able to reply to the student, creating a running dialogue, even if the student chooses to remain anonymous.

There are circumstances that would necessitate that the school request a student’s identity from Ancomm.  If a student is making threats to themselves, others, or the school we will request their identity in order to intervene as promptly as possible.  Talk About It is not going to replace face-to-face communication.  Rather, it will open another avenue for communication that students are comfortable with.  It is a tool for students to use so that they can seek out help in a manner that is comfortable, convenient, and effective.

 Their login will be the 6 digit PowerSchool number (lunch number) and the password will be their last name.  Once logged in they will need to update their demographics.  Here they can change their password if they wish and register a cell phone

 Walton Electric Membership Corporation is pleased to offer one senior student at OCHS a scholarship opportunity. The scholarship is named in honor of Walter Harrison. Harrison, called "Mr. Rural Electrification" in Georgia, was nationally known for his lifetime efforts to make electricity available to every home and farm in Georgia.  The recipient's primary address must be the household of an EMC member or EMC employee. Applications can be picked up in the guidance office. Along with the application, you must include a two page autobiographical sketch with reference to future plans and goals as well as your involvement in the community. Two letters of recommendation must be included as well. Please return your application and all supporting documents to Mr. Guthas in the guidance office by January 17.

The University of Georgia is announcing the availability of The Goizueta Foundation scholarships. These scholarships will support students with financial need, who are fluent in Spanish and preference will be given to students from Georgia. Students who are interested should visit https://www.admissions.uga.edu/article/spanish for further details and an application. Students who are interested should apply to UGA by December 15, 2011 and complete the FAFSA as soon after January 1st as possible.

Friday, November 4, 2011

If you change phone numbers, please update your student's PowerSchool account.  You can do this by logging into your parent account.  This is extremely important in case there is ever an emergency.

If you want to be kept up to date on what is going on at OCHS, our announcements can be viewed daily from our homepage.

Georgia Gwinnett College will be visiting during all lunches on Monday, November 7th.