Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Financial Aid help and Summer Opportunities

Grades 10 - 12 – Athens Regional Summer Volunteer Program

Athens Regional Medical Center's Volunteer Services Department is now accepting inquiries concerning their Teen Volunteer Program this summer. Teens (boys or girls) that are ages 15-17 by June 1, hold a GPA of a B or higher, maintain high standards of behavior and are sincerely interested in helping others will be considered.

 Interested students may call Lynda Jones, Volunteer Services Manager, at (706) 475-3405. Interviews will be conducted in March and April. Students must contact Ms. Jones by April 1 in order to be considered. Students should leave a detailed message including their name, address, phone number, age, name of school and grade level.

 Grades 11 and 12 – Medical College Georgia Summer Program

The Medical College of Georgia sponsors a summer academic enrichment program for outstanding high school students or college-bound high school graduates. The program is for students who are residents of Georgia, have finished either their junior or senior year in high school, and have demonstrated academic excellence. The program features college-level courses in biology, chemistry, mathematics, communication skills and critical thinking. Learning skills seminars, to include test taking strategies as well as orientation to a variety of health career options, are also provided to participants. The seven week program will be held June 5—July 23, 2010.

For more information, go to; the application deadline is March 1.

 Grade12 and Parents – College Goal Sunday

The Georgia Student Finance Commission is hosting College Goal Sunday on February 28th beginning at 2:00 PM at the Zell Miller Learning Center on the campus of UGA.

 College Goal Sunday is an event to help students and parents complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or the FAFSA. This event is free and you will receive expert assistance.

 If you plan on attending, please bring your 2009 tax returns, W2's, Social Security numbers and any other income information. Also, please register for a Personal Identification Number (PIN) at Parents, if you have applied for a PIN for another child, you do not have to register again.