Monday, March 6, 2017

The Xi Lambda Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity announces the availability of five, $500 scholarships to male seniors who will be entering UGA in the Fall. One scholarship will be worth $1,000. Applications may be picked up in the counseling office and must be postmarked no later than June 1.

Abbey Hospice is proud to announce the tenth annual camping experience for children and youth who have lost a close loved one. Camp Journey is a grief camp for ages 7-17. The overnight grief camp in Rutledge, GA (Camp Twin Lakes) will be Saturday, April 29-Sunday, April 30. The camp is free to all participants. You may pick up a registration form in the counseling office or by calling (770) 464-5858. Or, you may email Holly Casper at Abbe Hospice - .