Friday, December 2, 2011



EOCTs will be continue to be given next week during regular class time.  The test schedule is as follows:

December 5 and 6: 9 Lit and Am Lit

December 7 and 8: Physical Science and Biology

December 9 and 12: Econ and US History

A schedule of EOCT reviews can be found at

It’s Secret Santa time again!  Through the generosity of our community, we are able to help provide holiday gifts for our Oconee County children who are in need.  Donations can be dropped off at the front office from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm each day.  If you would like to adopt a child, please stop by to pick up an ornament off of our tree in the front office.

We have a large number of young children that OCHS is serving this year.  The greatest need in this cluster is for children ages 2-5.  Requests range from clothes and PJs to books and age appropriate toys.  If you are out shopping, please take a minute and consider picking up a toddler gift.   Other welcome gifts for older children would be gently used electronics (such as Nintendo DS2, digital cameras, USB drives, etc.).  We also could always use gently used coats and other warm weather gear.  Please consider picking up a gift and making a child’s (or teen’s) Christmas a little brighter.

Work Based Learning Applications Available now!  All current 10th and 11th graders interested in earning credit through a career-related internship, apprenticeship, or Young Dawgs, please see Mrs. Frutiger to apply for the Work-Based Learning program.  Applications and interviews are now being processed for the 2012-2013 school


The National Patriotic Services Committee of the National Society of The Colonial Dames of America is sponsoring a national essay contest. The winners will receive a scholarship to help pay for expenses to attend a Congressional Seminar in Washington, D.C. in June. The approximate stipend value is $1,500. For complete details, please visit The deadline to apply is January 12, 2012.

The Honors Program at Columbus State University is seeking a diverse community of highly capable and motivated students who challenge each other in the life-long pursuit of learning. CSU is currently taking applications for Fall 2012 with a deadline of January 31, 2012 for scholarships that total up to $13,200 including a stipend for studying abroad. Minimum requirements include at least a 3.5 GPA and SAT math and verbal test scores that sum to 1200 or above (or 27 on ACT). For more information and for applications for scholarships, please visit

The goal of The Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship Fund, presented by the Community Bankers Association of Georgia, is to assist deserving high school seniors in their first year of college and promote community banking. Applications can be picked up in the Guidance Office. Applications and all supporting documents must be turned in to Oconee State Bank by Friday, April 6.