Tuesday, November 29, 2011
EOCTs will be given beginning December 1st during regular class time. The test schedule is as follows:
December 1 and 2: Math I and Math II
December 5 and 6: 9 Lit and Am Lit
December 7 and 8: Physical Science and Biology
December 9 and 12: Econ and US History
A schedule of EOCT reviews can be found at http://www.oconeeschools.org/ochs/files/filecabinet/folder4/OCHS_EOCT_Review_Sessions.pdf
It’s Secret Santa time again! Through the generosity of our community, we are able to help provide holiday gifts for our Oconee County children who are in need. Donations can be dropped off at the front office from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm each day. We have a large number of young children that OCHS is serving this year. The greatest need in this cluster is for children ages 2-5. Requests range from clothes and PJs to books and age appropriate toys. If you are out shopping, please take a minute and consider picking up a toddler gift. Other welcome gifts for older children would be gently used electronics (such as Nintendo DS2, digital cameras, USB drives, etc.). We also could always use gently used coats and other warm weather gear. Please consider picking up a gift and making a child’s (or teen’s) Christmas a little brighter.
Walton EMC is offering scholarships in the amount of $4,000 through their "Operation Round Up." In order to apply, you must be a senior whose home is serviced by Walton EMC. Two letters of recommendation, a copy of a college acceptance letter, copy of transcript and a brief outline of answered questions (listed on the application) must be included along with the application. Applications can be picked up in the guidance office and must be submitted to Walton EMC by February 17.