Monday, January 8, 2018

Last minute scholarship The Georgia Pilot Foundation will award up to three, $1,500 scholarships for outstanding community volunteer service to a graduating senior within the Georgia District. The name of the scholarship is the Lynda Goodwin Volunteer Scholarship. 

The applicant must be a graduating senior and have a minimum 3.0 academic GPA. Please pick up the applications from the counseling office. They will be picked up by a Pilot Club member on January 23. There is also an essay requirement along with recommendation letters needed as well, so don't delay in picking up the application. Students may turn the application in to Mr. Guthas in the counseling office.

The primary purpose of the Lions Club scholarship is to recognize the achievements of two OCHS seniors who provide evidence of good citizenship, interest in the community, academic achievement, and community service. The award is $1,000. Applications can be picked up in the counseling office and are due to by 3:00 on April 20. Please turn them in to Mr. Guthas.