Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Washington University in St. Louis seeks candidates for the Danforth Scholars Program. These top senior students who have demonstrated leadership in service, as well as academic excellence, are invited to be nominated. Students who exhibit qualities that embody the essence of William H. and Elizabeth Gray Danforth are especially sought after. This includes maturity, strong moral character, selflessness, and a passion for helping others.  Since the program's inception, more than 47,000 students have been nominated and, from that group, 700 finalists have been named. The nomination deadline is 5:00 PM on November 15, 2017.

Do you have a senior who want a full time professional career after college, but also want to serve part-time in the Georgia Army National Guard? The University of North Georgia Military Scholarship (UNGMS) is an excellent pathway. It pays nearly all college expenses, and recipients actually make $30,000 - $40,000 over four years more than the cost to attend.  There are 42 scholarships available per year. Email or call 706-867-2918 for an application.  Did you know that Georgia Residents who participate in the Corps of Cadets can earn the Georgia ROTC Grant worth up to $1500 per year!

Camp MAGIK/Camp Erin is pleased to announce its 2017 fall schedule of healing camps for children and teens. Camp MAGIK (Mainly About Grief In Kids)/Erin serves children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling or other close family member within the past three years.  Camp MAGIK/Erin will provide an opportunity for children and teens to meet, talk, and process their grief with professional grief counselors. Time will also be spent on play and fun as a way to help the children heal from the experience of death in the family. Activities may include archery, canoeing, a ropes course, nature hikes, treasure hunts, hay rides, campfires, story-telling, and a talent show. Each camp will be divided into two groups, one for ages 7 - 11, and one for ages 12 - 18. Camp MAGIK/Erin sessions are free of charge for the children who attend.  Our Union Point camp is made possible through a generous grant from The Moyer Foundation and a generous donation from Jim McDonald in memory of his mother, Helen Agnes McDonald.  
Applications can be found on our website: (under the “join us” tab) More info can be found here.