The Watson-Brown Foundation Junior Board is a dedicated group of seven to thirteen area high school students (grades 10-12) whose mission is to preserve local history. As these students are entrusted with $33,000 each spring, we look for the best students to join. These students must be able to attend monthly meetings and commit several hours in the spring to visiting local sites and preparing a presentation for why that site deserves grant funding. This application is due Friday, September 15, including the two reference letters.
The application is available online at http://www.trrcobbhouse. org/junior-board-1/#student-ap plication.
Kaplan will be offering two free live online programs for students preparing for the September 9, 2017 ACT and the October PSAT. Would you please pass this information along to your students and families?
1. SAT Prepathon
The Prepathon offer 6 hours of free, online test prep.
WHEN: August 27, beginning at noon ET
WHERE: Live Online
2. Free PSAT Prep Live Lessons
For the 2nd year, Kaplan will offer free live lessons convering all topics from the PSAT. If your students can't make a live session, they can view the recording of the session as long as they've registered for it.
During this program, Kaplan's expert faculty will cover the most important PSAT content and tackle practice problems in livestreaming, one-hour lessons - all completely free.