Tuesday, March 8, 2016

American Legion Scholarships

The American Legion Post #20 is offering four scholarship programs this year. The four scholarship programs are:

1. The Samsung American Legion Scholarship available to delegates who attend Boys and Girls State. The applications must be submitted prior to attending Boys State and Girls State.

2. The American Legion Legacy Scholarship available to children of the United States military and National Guard, and reservists who were activated and died on active duty on or after September 11, 2001.

3. The High School Oratorical Scholarship Program (grades 9 - 12).

4. The American Legion $1,000 scholarship available to a child or grandchild of a parent who served in the military and is a member of The American Legion in the Department of Georgia.

Please visit http://alp20athensga.wix.com/alp20#!scholarships/cfyo for complete details and to download the scholarship applications.