Spring Break is next week - students will return to school on Monday, April 12
Relay for Life Chic-Fil-A Night - Relay for Life is having a Chick-fil-a Spirit Night on Tuesday, April 13th, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Some of OCHS finest and most talented bands are scheduled to perform. Come to Chick-fil-a on Tuesday, and help in our fight to find a cure for Cancer. Only inside food sales apply (no drive through);
Grade 12 - Steve Bell Memorial Scholarship
Steve Bell was an Oconee County businessman who grew up in this area participating in sports. He had two children who graduated from OCHS and were involved in multiple sports. Steve believed that participation in sports built character. A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a deserving senior OCHS athlete. While community service and academic performance should be considered, students exhibiting visible leadership skills, exceptional work ethic and strong character will receive the highest recognition.
Applications can be picked up in the guidance office and are due to Mr. Guthas by April 29
Grades 10 and 11 – Move on When Ready Update
We received information this week that Gainesville College is joining Athens Tech in participating in Move on When Ready. Information about the program can be found at http://www.oconee.k12.ga.us/ochs/index.php?module=pagesmith&uop=view_page&id=61
Grades 11-12 - Prom and Afterprom
Are coming up the week students return from spring break. Go to http://www.oconee.k12.ga.us/ochs/index.php?module=pagesmith&uop=view_page&id=65 for details and ticket information.