OCHS Relay for Life is having a Chik-Fil-A night on Tuesday, April 13 (tomorrow) at the Epps Bridge location from 5-8. Come out and support the OCHS Relay for Life team and enjoy the entertainment provided by our students.
Grades 9-11 – If your student is interested in possibly attending any of the Military Academies, you may be interested is attending the 2010 Service Academy Day sponsored by U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson& Saxby Chambliss & the Members of Georgia’s Congressional Delegation on
SATURDAY, MAY 8, 2010 from 10:00 to11:30 AM at DOBBINS AIR RESERVE BASE/HANGAR 5.
Due to strict security regulations, you MUST register by 5PM on April 30, 2010by visiting www.isakson.senate.gov/academies.htmlor by calling Nancy Brooks at770.661.0999
Grades 11-12 – This week is the last chance to buy Prom and After Prom tickets. More information (including information for parents wanting to volunteer at Afterprom) can be found at http://www.oconee.k12.ga.us/ochs/index.php?module=blog&id=27
Grade 12 – New Scholarships
Senior African American males who plan on attending a 2 or 4 year college and have a 2.5 GPA are encouraged to apply for the Men of Distinction scholarship. Applications can be picked up in the guidance office and are due by May 3.