Friday, March 1, 2019

This is a reminder that Oglethorpe University admissions will be here during warrior period on Wednesday, March 6. Please sign up in the counseling office if interested in attending. 

The American Legion is once again searching for motivated rising seniors to sponsor the Girls and Boys State summer sessions. These are week-long courses in state and local government. It is a "leadership action program" where students develop a working knowledge of the structure of government. Activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, assemblies, and recreational programs. Boys State will be held from May 26-June1 at Riverside Military Academy. Girls State will be held from June 9-14 at Georgia Southern University. 

Please visit or for more information on each program. Please complete all applications by April 20, 2019. The Post#20 Athens chapter will be able to pay for the cost to attend. Applications can be downloaded or picked up in the counseling office.