Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The University of North Georgia Dahlonega campus is hosting a ten-day, free, summer residential Cyber Academy. The dates are June 20-30. The National Cyber Warrior Academy (NCWA) is designed to inspire the next generation of cyber operations and cybersecurity professionals in the North Georgia region. The program will prepare students for military, federal service, and civilian cybersecurity career paths. Forty participants will be selected to attend. Please visit https://ung.edu/cyber-operations-education/national-cyber-warrior-academy.php for complete details and to apply. The application deadline is May 20

Camp SOS is a healing family camp for those family and friends who have lost a loved one to suicide.  It is for ages 6 - 96! There are survivors of every age in attendance at camp on any given year and the program is designed to meet the needs of all ages.  GO TO WWW.CAMPSOS.COM to learn more or to register now!

If a member of your family is active duty military or a veteran, the following links may be helpful: