Walton EMC is pleased to offer again the Walter Harrison Scholarship to students. In 1987, Georgia EMC, along with the 42 EMC's in Georgia, established a scholarship fund in honor of Walter Harrison. Harrison, called "Mr. Rural Electrification" in Georgia, was nationally known for his lifetime efforts to make electricity available to every home in Georgia. Ten scholarships in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded for 2017. The scholarship application and criteria list can be found at www.waltonemc.com/
Monday, December 5, 2016
The Georgia Pilot Foundation will award up to three $1,500 scholarships for outstanding community volunteer service to graduating seniors. The Lynda Goodwin Volunteer Scholarships are sponsored each year by the Pilot Club. Applications may be picked up in the Counseling Office and must be postmarked by January 13, 2017. The student must have a 3.0 GPA to apply. An essay and recommendation letters are required as well, students need to keep these requirements in mind as well.
Walton EMC is pleased to offer again the Walter Harrison Scholarship to students. In 1987, Georgia EMC, along with the 42 EMC's in Georgia, established a scholarship fund in honor of Walter Harrison. Harrison, called "Mr. Rural Electrification" in Georgia, was nationally known for his lifetime efforts to make electricity available to every home in Georgia. Ten scholarships in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded for 2017. The scholarship application and criteria list can be found at www.waltonemc.com/ walterharrison. The application, along with supporting data, must be received by Walton EMC no later than January 20.
Walton EMC is pleased to offer again the Walter Harrison Scholarship to students. In 1987, Georgia EMC, along with the 42 EMC's in Georgia, established a scholarship fund in honor of Walter Harrison. Harrison, called "Mr. Rural Electrification" in Georgia, was nationally known for his lifetime efforts to make electricity available to every home in Georgia. Ten scholarships in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded for 2017. The scholarship application and criteria list can be found at www.waltonemc.com/