1. The University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine will host VetCAMP (Veterinary Career Aptitude and Mentoring Program) this summer. VetCAMP is a seven-day program aimed at helping students experience veterinary medicine as a potential career path. VetCAMP will host up to 52 rising high school juniors and seniors or graduating seniors for the program. Registration materials must be received by Friday, January 29, 2016 to be considered. The dates of the camp are June 19-25. For complete details and for an application, please visit http://vet.uga.edu/academic/vetcamp . You may also contact Khaliala Ward, Program Coordinator, at krward@uga.edu .
2. Juniors and Seniors who took the October SAT and wish to participate in the newly designed SAT Field Test must sign up by Wednesday, November 18. Please sign up on the door of room D-1.
3. The website http://www.goodcall.com/scholarships/search may be a helpful tool for students seeking various scholarships.
4. Plum Creek is sponsoring once again the Plum Creek Community Scholarship for graduating seniors. Please visit the website https://www.scholarsapply.org/plumcreekcommunity for details and requirements. The application postmark deadline is January 27, 2016.