Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Each year, the Georgia Development Authority awards up to five (5) scholarships to qualified high school students who are pursuing college degrees in agricultural related fields.  This application can be found on the website at www.gdaonline.com under the scholarship tab.  Here, it can be printed for completion and submission through the mail, or filled out and submitted online.  Please be aware that the online option requires total completion once begun, as there is no way to “save” your work. The application deadline is June 1.

Georgia PTA Scholarships assists students who have successfully completed a Georgia high school and who are interested in furthering their education in a college, university or post-secondary institution. Georgia PTA Scholarships, the first of which was established in 1963 are funded solely through membership, local unit PTA, and Council contributions. The number of awards and amount of each scholarship vary year-to-year depending on the donations. This is a one-year, non-renewable grant. A student is eligible to apply for a Georgia PTA Scholarship if he/she:
  1. Is a graduating senior of a Georgia high school with a PTA/PTSA.
  2. The PTA must be in good standing (i.e., dues paid, approved bylaws on file).
  3. Student AND parent/guardian are current members AND must provide a copy of PTA/PTSA membership card with application.
  4. Will attend a college, university or post-secondary institution during the upcoming school year.
  5. Has exhibited good character.
  6. Has a satisfactory scholastic record. Grade point 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
Please see the link below to download the application or visit the Counseling Office. The application deadline is April 25http://files.ctctcdn.com/566382e7001/b083bc0c-965b-472d-98f5-572eac45be37.pdf

Athens Tech awards the High School Merit Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating student enrolling in ATC from a local high school. The maximum award is $1,000 over two terms ($500 per semester) which can be used for Tuition, fees, books, supplies, online learning resources or disbursed directly to scholarship recipient. You can apply for this and all other Athens Tech scholarships at https://athenstech.starsscholarshipsonline.com/stars/default.aspx and the deadline is April 1, 2015.