Monday, August 18
Senior Parent Night -6:00
Junior Parent Night - 7:30
Monday, August 25
Freshman Parent Night - 6:00
Sophomore Parent Night - 7:30
The purpose of Youth Leadership Oconee is to provide opportunities for young adults to develop leadership skills and the community awareness necessary to address challenges facing Oconee County. 10th and 11th grade students at OCHS who want to further their leadership skills and channel those skills towards helping others and improving their community are invited to apply. Applications can be picked up in the Counseling Office. The applications are due to the Chamber of Commerce by September 12, 2014
The Watson-Brown Foundation, Inc. supports historic preservation in part of its Junior Board of Trustees, a talented group of seven - thirteen high school students whose exclusive mission is to preserve local history. The Junior Board of Trustees devotes many hours of time to meetings, research, interviews, and site visits in the field of historic preservation. More information and applications to become a member of this board can be picked up in the Counseling Office. The applications must be received by September 19.
Kaplan Test Prep is hosting a free ACT/SAT Combo Practice Test at the Athens-Clarke County Library on Saturday, August 23 from 10:00am-2:00pm. Click Here to Register
Senior students from OCHS may be nominated for the William H. and Elizabeth Gray Danforth Scholars Program at Washington University. The selected students must have exhibited a capacity for service and leadership, as well as academic excellence, and who will embrace the challenges of a rigorous academic curriculum. Students who have exhibited qualities that embody the essence of the Danforths - maturity, strong moral character, selflessness, and commitment to community will be favored upon. If you are interested in being nominated, please see Mr. Guthas in the Counseling Office. The nomination deadline is October 15. You may also visit
A Service Academy Day will be held on Saturday, September 6 at Georgia Military Academy. The event will be held from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Representatives from the four academies will be present to discuss their requirements and expectations for admittance. All students admitted to our nation's military Service Academies must first be nominated by at least one member of their state's Congressional Delegation. Students who are seeking a nomination from U.S. Representative Paul Broun should submit an application to his Milledgeville office by October 10. Please visit his website at for more information.