Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The University of Georgia is hosting a College Goal Georgia program this Saturday (February 21st) from 2-4.  This program will alow you to meet with college Financial Aid administrators who will assist you in filling out the FAFSA for next year.  More information can be found at http://collegegoalga.com/?page_id=4 and a list of what you should bring can be found at http://collegegoalga.com/?page_id=8
If you have any questions, please contact the program coordinator, Mandy Branch at mzweig@uga.edu.

Camp Journey is sponsored by Abbey Hospice Foundation and is a grief camp for children ages 7-17 who have lost a loved one. The camp date for this year is May 2nd and will be held at Camp Twin Lakes in Rutledge, GA. Camp Journey is led by trained volunteers and staff. Anyone interested in having a student attend should contact (770) 464-5858 and request an application.

The Novelis Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Scholarship is exclusively for high school senior girls who reside in Greene, Hancock, Morgan, Oconee or Putnam County. The female students must be planning on pursuing a degree in a STEM related area. Four, $2,500 Novelis STEM scholarships will be awarded in May 2015.  Applications can be picked up in the Counseling Office and must be submitted by April 15, 2015.

Athens Regional Medical Center's Volunteer Services Department is now accepting inquiries regarding their Teen Volunteer Program for the summer of 2015. Teens who are ages 15-17 by  June 1 hold a GPA of a B average or higher, maintain high standards of behavior and are sincerely interested in helping others will be considered.  Interested students may call Lynda Jones, Volunteer Services Manager, at (706) 475-3405 to request an application. 

LAST CHANCE: Free SAT and ACT Crams online:  Kaplan Test Prep is providing free cram sessions for the SAT and ACT. Students who attend will learn their 10 Top Score-Raising Strategies and review tips for time management during the test.  For complete dates and times and to register, go to www.kaptest.com/freecram.

Cram Sessions™ are  intensive, 90-minute online classes taught by expert Kaplan instructors.  Students will learn the most important material to boost their SAT and ACT scores - great for students who need just a little more prep or for those who want a refresher before test day.   Students will walk into Test Day feeling prepared and confident.

These sessions will help students:
• Raise their score with our Top 10 Strategies
• Manage their time like a pro on Test Day
• Get a day-to-day study plan up until Test Day

Free SAT and ACT Cram Sessions for the April 18th ACT and March 14th SAT test dates will be hosted from February 21st-March 8th.
