Volunteers needed!! A message from our AfterProm committee:
We still need this many volunteers for After Prom this Saturday night! We are in dire need of help to make it a safe chaperoned event. Volunteers are essential! Please pass on to freshman, sophomore, junior and senior parents. EVERYONE is needed!
Pre-event work on Saturday: 11 volunteers …. About 30 more needed
1st shift: 48 volunteers are signed up …. more than 50 are needed
2nd shift: 10 volunteers are signed up ….. more than 50 are needed
You can sign up at https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/oconeeschools.org/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dDZmTjlwbGtvZENxMU5ZNUZna1R4UUE6MQ#gid=0
UGA College of Pharmacy Summer Science Academy
The UGA College of Pharmacy is pleased to announce the Pharmacy Summer Science Academy to be held June 5 - June 11. The second cohort will consist of rising high school juniors and seniors who have a strong interest in science and pharmacy. Applications can be picked up in the guidance office and are due May 6, 2011.
New Scholarship
The Georgia Engineering Foundation awards college scholarships to worthy Georgia students who are preparing for a career in engineering or engineering technology. In 2010, GEF was able to support more than 40 scholarship awards, and we are asking you to assist in communicating this opportunity to your qualified seniors. Qualified students can visit our website at www.GEFinc.org for information and an application.
All scholarships are competitively awarded based on the student’s demonstrated competence in mathematics, science and communication skills, the student’s interest in a career in engineering, financial need, and their school and community involvement. To apply, a student must be: 1) a U.S. Citizen; 2) a resident of Georgia; and 3) enrolled in an engineering or engineering technology ABET-accredited program leading to a 4-year degree as of September 2011. Applicants include “incoming” college freshmen that plan to attend ABET accredited programs in 2011. Information regarding ABET accredited programs may be found at http://www.abet.org. Other criteria may apply for some of the specific scholarships.