- February 11 - Early Release Day
- February 12 and 15 - Winter Break
Grade 9-12 – Kohl’s Kids Who Care
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Kohl's Kids Who Care Scholarship Program. This year, Kohl's plans to recognize 2,100 kids ages 6-18 with prizes ranging from $50 Kohl's gift cards to a total of $10,000 in scholarships. Please visit www.kohlskids.com for complete details. If you meet the criteria and are interesting in being nominated, please see Mr. Guthas in the guidance office. The nomination deadline is March 15, 2010.
Grade 11 – Capstone Business Academy of the University of Alabama
The Capstone Business Academy of the University of Alabama is a 10-day residential summer program designed for academically exceptional rising high school seniors interested in obtaining an education and pursuing a career in business. Participants interact on an individual basis with University professors and working professionals through a variety of presentations and experiences. In order to apply, students must be current juniors and have a 3.4 GPA. You must also have either a 27 on the ACT, 1210 on the SAT or a 140 on the PSAT. The total cost is $350 for all fees.
For more information and to apply, please visit www.cba.ua.edu/summeracademy. The deadline to apply is March 15.
Grade 12 – New Scholarships
Body by Milk - America's Milk Processors and USA TODAY are pleased to bring you the 13th annual "Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year" (SAMMY) 2010 Award Program. The SAMMY 2010 Award Program recognizes outstanding senior scholar athletes from high schools throughout the U.S. An athlete from OCHS can win a $7,500 college scholarship from the Milk Processor Education Program. Please visit www.bodybymilk.com for complete application information. The deadline to apply is March 5, 2010.
Oconee Pilot Club - The Pilot Club of Oconee County is sponsoring the Helen Parrish Scholarship in the amount of $1,500 for seniors. Applications can be picked up in the guidance office. Applications are rated based on need, GPA, letters of recommendation and extra curricular activities. Applicants must also not be children of Pilot Club members. Completed applications are due by March 31 to Mr. Guthas.
Oconee Lions Youth Citizenship Award - The primary purpose of the Oconee Lions Youth Citizenship Award is to recognize the achievements of an OCHS graduating senior who provides evidence of the following: (1) good citizenship (2) active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community and (3) has a record of service to the community without financial reward. The amount of this scholarship is $1,000. The student must provide evidence of acceptance to an institution of post-secondary education to receive the award. Applications may be picked up in the guidance office and must be turned in to Mr. Guthas by April 16 at 3:00 PM.
Moore’s Ford - The Moore's Ford Memorial Committee offers endowed scholarships to commemorate George & Mae Murray Dorsey and Roger & Dorothy Malcolm. These scholarships encourage community service, social justice and racial healing. Eight annual awards of $1,000 each are given to graduating seniors from the eight public high schools in Athens-Clarke, Morgan, Oconee and Walton Counties. Applicants must be graduating seniors who have applied for vocational school or college and must take an active interest in community service. Applications can be picked up in the guidance office and must be postmarked no later than March 16, 2010.
Grades 10-11 - SAT and ACT Test Prep is being offered Oconee Education and Prep and begins on February 7. Contact lbarrett@oedprep.com for more information.